1. It must be written in doc or RTF format, Time New Roman, 12 pts, with 1,5 space, A4 paper with at least 10 pages and max 20 pages. The manuscript must be submitted as a soft file using your account. Please download the template (click here).
2. The article must be written in both Bahasa Indonesia and English. It should be compile as followed; title, name of the author/s, abstract completed with keywords, introduction, method, result, conclusion, and references.
3. Bahasa Indonesian version of the title must not exceed 14 words, while for English version; 12. Title must be written in capital-center-14pts.
4. The name of the author/s must be written without any academic titles, with an affiliate, and are placed beneath the title of the article. When there are more than one authors, JuMP editor will only get in touch with the main author, the one whose name is written first.
5. This article is compiled by 6 parts; abstract completed with keywords, introduction, method, result, conclusion, and references.
a. Abstract and its keywords are written in both Bahasa Indonesia and English. The length of this abstract should be between 125-150 word counts completed with 3-5 keywords. At least, an abstract must contain title, purpose, method, and findings.
b. The introduction covers the background of the study, research context, literature review, and purpose of the study. This part s allowed to have 15-20% portion of the whole manuscript.
c. Methods consist of description related to the research model, data, technique of data collection and analysis. This part is allowed to take 10-15% portion of the whole manuscript.
d. The result covers a description of the analysis result in accordance with the research questions. Every finding is a subject to be explained. It is allowed to take 40-60% of the whole manuscript.
e. The conclusion contains research findings in the form of answers upon the research questions. It is a short explanation of the whole findings.
f. References only contain referenced sources and 80% of it must be compiled by the last five year publications. It should contain primer data sources like journal articles, or research reports (including bachelor and master thesis, and dissertation).
6. The citation uses bracket technique (last name, year). If it is a direct quote, then it is better to also include its page. Example (Syarifah, 2019).
7. Reference should be written in accordance with scientific methods (APA style).