Jurnal At-tadbir (JAT): Media Hukum dan Pendidikan is an institutional journal of Institut KH Ahmad Sanusi Sukabumi has the focus on religious studies in the form of research results, conceptual ideas, literature study, and practical experience related topics of law and education. 

ISSN (E): 2715-3649             ISSN (P): 1858-2125                

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Call for Editor and Reviewer of JAT 2021




Call for Editor and Reviewer of JAT 2021

The editorial board welcomes you to join us to be Editor or Reviewer of Jurnal At-Tadbir: Media Hukum dan Pendidikan.
Status: Part time
Working style: Internet-based
Payment: Voluntary job, no payment

Participation in the review process is absolutely essential to the success and reputation of the journal. Reviewers along with the editors determine which work is of quality and significance. Reviewer's name will be listed on the journal's webpage.

a). Have a scientific focus that is closely related to journals;
b). Hold a job at a university or academic organization, in a teaching or research position;
c). Have a strong interest in scholarly journal;
d). Work quickly and accurately to tight deadlines.

How to apply
Complete application form https://forms.gle/Tr32yrKeEBw8uSuE9

Thank You very much

Vol 34 No 2 (2024): Integrasi Nilai-Nilai Islam dan Kearifan Lokal dalam Konteks Pendidikan dan Sosial di Era Digital

: https://doi.org/10.52030/attadbir.v34i2.282
Abstract views: 162 , PDF downloads: 111
: https://doi.org/10.52030/attadbir.v34i2.259
Abstract views: 71 , PDF downloads: 52
: https://doi.org/10.52030/attadbir.v34i2.283
Abstract views: 54 , PDF downloads: 26

Tahapan Kebijakan Pendidikan

Rizal Alfa Rizih, M Rifki Zailufti Zainal, Afriza , Muhammad Amin


: https://doi.org/10.52030/attadbir.v34i2.279
Abstract views: 141 , PDF downloads: 93

Kelas Khusus Tahfidz dalam Membangun Nuansa Pesantren di Sekolah Islam

Irwan andriawan irwan andriawan, Mulyawan Safwandy Nugraha, Asep Nursobah


: https://doi.org/10.52030/attadbir.v34i2.244
Abstract views: 32 , PDF downloads: 20
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